Professor Henrik Von Scheel

Best known as one of the most influential futurists of our century, that ignited the Digital and 4th Industrial Revolution global themes of today.

Professor of Strategy Management with 20 years dedicated to strategy research and futures studies. Currently, he is the Managing Director at the Institute of Strategic Intelligence, that provides the global trends report and content for the World Economic Forum.

He serves as an Advisory Council Member for the Artificial Intelligence Act and EU Climate Change Board, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the Green Deal, FIT for 55, and CBAM (Scope 1-3).

His work is applied to over 24 national economies, influencing GDP growth, triggering two global themes, setting industry standards, and shaping the performance of 23% of the fastest-growing companies on the Fortune 500 list.

Named the 'leading authority on strategy' by the Financial Times who has evolved the mainstream thinking and management practices of today´s businesses. Acknowledged as 'the most influential management thinker of our times' by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai.

As a sought-after speaker and advisor on the toughest and most important issues in business today.